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Footsteps to Wisdom

 About the Author


The author, Mr. Jean-Jacques Trifault, was born in Normandy, France in the spring of 1956, just as the sun was warming up the earth and the leaves began to sprout.

As a young man, he studied agriculture and later became a shepherd. Throughout the long days and the silence of the nights, he looked to God for the wisdom to develop the integrity of his soul and began to discover the touch of God through nature.

The author later worked in a factory for several years, where he was able to deepen his inner knowledge through the obstacles he encountered in every day circumstances.

His accumulated experiences, which were transformed into wisdom, brought him the confidence to help people regain what they had lost in the midst of the sandstorms of life.

The specialty of the author is that, while speaking to people, he never uses prepared notes, but each time expresses himself based on his experiences and the flavor of the audience.

Some of these speeches are offered here in book form. It is hoped that his words will provide new steps for our lives.


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