
The Rebirth of God and Lisa

The Rebirth of God and Lisa

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"The Rebirth of God and Lisa" is a dialogue of God and Lisa that develops from an initial surprise visit by God. Lisa is a woman who is busy establishing her career. Regardless of this, God finds a way to come in the midst of her life in a very dramatic way.

Everything is a Gift

Everything is a Gift: Book Cover

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(Volume I of the Path to Wisdom series)
Includes two speeches: “Everything is a Gift” and “How Gratefulness Creates a Beautiful Heart”


God is in My Heart

Everything is a Gift: Book Cover

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(Volume II of the Path to Wisdom series)
Includes two speeches: “God is in My Heart” and “Follow the Law of Creativity”

Gratitude to the Creation

Gratitude to the Creation

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Also available:
An Open Heart Comes From An
Open Mind

book cover

Tout est un Don

Tout est un Don book cover


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