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Thank you for pursuing the curiosity that may have led you here.

This website exists for anyone who wants to develop the beauty within himself or herself, with the goal of becoming a person who can be welcomed anywhere.

The author's writings are intended for those who seek to grow their hearts and live every day with purpose. They offer encouragement to those who seek solutions for the multitude of everyday situations in their families, at their work places, in their schools and their communities.

As well, these insights can be a light for anyone who seeks to discover God’s heart and who wishes to enrich his or her life's path with a new understanding.

The wisdom contained within the books offered here comes from the author's life experiences, specifically, from his efforts to gain God’s viewpoint in the midst of challenging situations.

Through many examples and analogies in his writings, Mr. Trifault connects his inner knowledge and perceptions with the realities of everyday life.

We sincerely hope that you will venture to place your own feet in these footsteps to wisdom and find yourself enhanced by what you read.





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